Monday, August 01, 2011

Big month for me

Well it is here.  The month I will turn 50!  A little bit scary, but happy too.  My boss reminds me that "I'm on the right side of the grass."  I'm leaving Thursday for a 9 day Carribean cruise and am planning to shop later for some new cruise clothes.  I think being aboard a crusie should be a good place to contemplate what I want to strive for going forward.  I have so many new and bright ideas swirling around inside my head. 

Blogging has so far proved to be a little challenging to me.  Not in the writing but in the formatting.  I'm trying to find a book on it.  Anybody have any book reccomendations to help a new blogger?


1 comment:

  1. Have a marvelous cruise! I've been on a 5 day, a 6 day and a 7 day! I NEED to go on a 9 day! J E A L O U S!
